Top 10 Companies that Outsource Software Development

Outsource Software Engineering Teams: Top 10 Tech Companies that Made It Work

Outsourcing is a very popular method for saving costs and expanding the talent pool. And many global digitized businesses rely on various outsource cooperation models when handling even the most important projects. Sometimes, even the world’s biggest tech giants rely on this approach. And their success stories make more and more global businesses seek outsourcing partners. So, here is a list of 10 great companies that outsource software development. 

Success Stories of Companies that Outsource Software Development

1. Google

The fact that Google, the world’s biggest technology company, is listed among companies that outsource software development may be surprising. However, in reality, the number of activities in which Google is involved is extremely big. And Google’s managers understand that outsourcing some of these activities to third-party companies is a cost-efficient way to do business. Google outsourced the development of some of its Android operating systems to third-party vendors. Google is also known for hiring freelancers who bring fresh vision and unique resources  to the company, hence, allowing Google to enhance its core competencies. 

2. Virtual Control

Virtual Control is a relatively young Hong Kong company that delivers business automation and artificial intelligence to customers globally. This company also has some outstanding experience in outsourcing the development of its products and solutions. In particular, Virtual Control relied on Nearshorefriends while developing some of its business automation solutions. With Nearshorefriends, Virtual Control received an experienced team of professionals capable of solving the most significant technical challenges in the shortest terms. 

3. Microsoft

Here’s one more international tech giant with successful experience in hiring specialists from a global outsource engineering team selection. In particular, Microsoft is known for its reliance on developers from India and other Asian countries. These specialists helped the international giant build some of its most notable products aimed at different categories of customers. Besides, Microsoft relies on customer support specialists from all around the world. This helps the company find the most cost-efficient options while keeping its quality of service high. 

4. Walmart

One of America’s most significant retail industry giants also has a positive outsourcing experience. In particular, Walmart has delegated some of its IT infrastructure development tasks to a software engineering outsourcing company. Walmart also relies on third-party vendors when it comes to managing software systems, applications, and hardware infrastructure. Finally, reliance on third-party software and digitized logistics companies helped Walmart to create one of the most efficient logistics networks globally. 

5. Oracle

Here’s one of the most popular database service providers with a market share of 12.45% in the relational databases market. And, just like other IT giants, Oracle has a solid history of outsourcing. The company decided to hire software engineering teams in order to leave time and resources for core business practices. Various specialists from all around the world are responsible for managing Oracle’s infrastructure, tuning its services, and supporting customers. In addition, numerous industry partnerships allowed Oracle to improve the quality of its services. 

6. Eastman Kodak

Kodak’s partnership with IBM is known as one of the most notable technology outsourcing cases in history. Back in 1989, Kodak made an agreement with IBM for the latter to construct, design, and oversee a data center on behalf of Kodak. Some of Kodak’s employees were responsible for overseeing this process. But most of the tasks were handled by IBM’s onshore and offshore software engineering teams. This decision allowed Kodak to boost its cost-efficiency and productivity, while IBM became one of the leading IT service providers of its time. Driven by this successful experience, Kodak still relies on third-party IT service providers when it comes to managing data and software infrastructures. 

7. Amazon

The world’s biggest cloud technology provider has an extensive network of partnerships extending globally. Amazon relies on various software development and cloud management businesses from all around the world to develop its extensive network of cloud services. As one of the fast-growing companies on the list of companies who outsource software projects, Amazon is ready to deploy new products and updates on an almost permanent basis. Besides, different AWS partnerships are mutually profitable for Amazon and its partners. Amazon gets an opportunity to use third-party talents for developing its products. Meanwhile, Amazon’s partners get preferences when it comes to utilizing Amazon’s web services and custom tools. 

8. Accenture

Accenture is one of the world’s biggest IT companies offering outsourcing services to businesses from various industries. However, Accenture is also very much dependent on third-party digital service providers. In particular, the company cooperates with support teams from all around the world. This helps Accenture efficiently maintain and support its web tools and technologies without overspending. Besides, some of Accenture’s cloud tools and applications have been developed with the help of experienced freelancers and software engineering outsourcing company teams. 


One of the biggest developers of mobile games in the world should be also mentioned on the list of companies that outsource software development. The authors of Goals Tactics and Celtic Tribes relied on software engineers and QA specialists from Nearshorefriends. Such an outsourcing solution helped XYRALITY to expand its software development capacity. It also increased XYRALITY’s proficiency by providing the company with access to the most experienced professionals in the market. As a result of such an outsourcing decision, XYRALITY received an experienced team of developers and QA engineers for long-term cooperation on various projects and more casual software tuning tasks. 

10. Cisco 

This multinational digital communications technology company is also known for delivering its IT tasks to third-party vendors. In particular, Cisco has offshored its voice-over IP technology development to specialists from distant countries. Cisco has already relied on third-party vendors from Asia Pacific, Europe, and emerging markets and is now exploring the possibility of expanding into North and South America.


So, this was a selection of 10 great companies that outsource software development. It can be expanded with many more examples because the number of outsourcing success stories is almost unlimited. And if you want to start one, contact Nearshorefriends. We will help deliver you a full package of nearshoring benefits and even more! 

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